After one year of online operation, it was crucial for us to meet the team of our translators. This was the idea behind the organization of yourtranslator’s first birthday party, an event that aimed to bring all of us together to discuss about everything, but first and foremost to know each other better! It was actually one of these days that we had the first face-to-face meeting of the three of us too, since we have been operating not only on an online basis, but also from distant places! Imagine how meaningful and long-expected these two meetings were!

The meeting with the translators took place on December 20, at Floral Café in Athens and, against all obstacles –the mass means of transportation strike- we were really happy to meet some of our collaborators who joined us that winter afternoon. The cheerful mood of everyone was a great start for a warm welcome and friendly introduction! We got to know each other and shared our experiences on translation, freelancing and working under the current financial conditions. We realized that our common worries had to do with the quality of the translations, the translators’ fees and the new trends of the sector regarding new languages and CAT tools. On the other hand, we agreed that there might be new opportunities in the field and that we actually participate in the shaping of the new working reality, while advertising ourselves and collaborating with each other will enhance our professional status. We also talked about educational challenges and the training of translators in Greek universities or other private institutions. Most of all, we welcomed any feedback for the website and our work, any idea for the amelioration of our services and relationship with the translators.

Although we are working online, we strongly believe in the importance of real social life and direct professional relations. We hope that the translators enjoyed this meeting as much as we did! If you missed it, don’t worry, because we will do it again! We can’t wait for a second meeting in Thessaloniki and probably more in the future! And don’t wait for these meetings to know us, feel free to contact us any time for some coffee and chat!